It is also prudent to do your own due diligence and compare gold dealers and find out as much about them as possible before committing to any transactions to buy gold.
Amsterdam Gold is a fairly new dealer in gold bullion and silver bullion, and has been recommended by several GATA supporters. Also the dealer has announced Amsterdamgold.com will make a contribution to GATA for every GATA supporter who makes a purchase.
Amsterdamgold.com is owned and operated by Willem Middelkoop Willem Middelkoop (Geneva, Switzerland, 1962) was an English writer, entrepreneur and former stock market commentator on RTL Z. A Dutch financial paper.
The website, amsterdamgold.com was first registered in December 2008. There is an email address one can contact them on and it is very likely both English and Dutch are spoken by email and phone contact.
All the gold bullion bars offered for sale on Amsterdam Gold are produced by Schöne Edelmetaal BV Amsterdam - The Netherlands Schöne Edelmetaal (part of the Umicore group) has been a manufacturer of gold bullion and silver bullion bars Amsterdam, since 1739.
For purchases over 20,000 euro one should email [email protected]. The same for silver bullion also.
Amsterdam Gold is a new gold dealer but Middelkoop is well respected in the field and has been a strong advocate for gold for a long time.